Dec 11, 2006

Good to Know Abbreviations

e.g. for example

i.e. that is

etc. etcetera: and so on

cf. compare

viz. namely

c. (or cr.) about/approximately

N.B note

C19 nineteenth century


1920s i.e.1920-1929: similarly 1970s etc.

approx. approximately

dept. department

diff.(s) difficult(y)(-ies)

excl. excluding

govt. government

imp. important/ importance

incl. including

info. information

lang. language

ltd. limited

max. maximum

min. minimum

1st first

2nd second


G.B. Great Britain

U.K United Kingdom

Eng. English

Brit. British

Q. question

A. Answer

no. nummber

p.pp. page/pages

poss. possible/possibly

prob. probable/probably

probs. problems

re- with refeerence to/ concerning

ref. reference

sts. studens

tho’ though

thro’ through

v. very

\ therefore


Unknown said...

Keep helping

Oops!! said...

Sure Shine..