The Test Day
Reach the test center in time.
Make sure you look your best. Wear your best apparel and your best smile.A formal/ semi formal attire is the most suited for the purpose.
Don’t try to show off your casualness by moving in a pair of shorts nor overdo things by wearing a jazzy party dress.
Be confident. This is also one important aspect they are going to judge you on.
Don’t try to talk to candidates coming out of the interview room. By doing this you will be breaking the examination rules and invite a disqualification for yourself.
I always advise to talk calmly to the other candidates waiting for the interview in the same waiting room as you are. Its always a good warm up.
Knock and enter the interview room confidently.
Think before hand how exactly you would like your sitting posture to be and in which you r most comfortable.
Keep your hand movements or other gestures you use during conversing, in control. You should not sit like a statute either. Just that you should not over do such things which looks unnatural in a day to day conversation.
Keep your cool. Be calm and be polite.
Make an interesting conversation. Smile and involve the interviewer in your conversation.
Remember that the interviewer is all too exhausted and bored by interviewing so many candidates before you. Your conversation should refresh him up.
If the interviewer keeps a view in front of you tell him if you fully agree with him, that he is right or if you have another view, be polite and say that you think some thing else.
Did he say he enjoyed talking with you? Tell him that it was nice speaking to him too.
Thank him in the end.
The Mantra
The mantra for a great score in speaking is to be confident, calm and cool.
Project yourself as an interesting person. Be yourself.
Talk clearly, loudly, pronounce correctly and no grammatical mistakes.
You will come out with flying colors.
Good Luck!
Test day advise
Advice and Information
Make sure you attend on time
Know the date, time and place of your test and arrive before the scheduled starting time.
If you arrive late for any of the papers, report to the supervisor or invigilator. You may not be allowed to take the test.
Bring what you need
Take into the test room only the pens, pencils and erasers which you need for the examination.
Correction fluid and highlighters must not be used.
Leave anything which you do not need, or which is not allowed, either outside the test room, or as instructed by the supervisor.
You may not lend anything to, or borrow anything from, another candidate during the test.
Examination instructions
Listen to the supervisor and do what you are asked to do.
Tell the supervisor or invigilator at once if you think you have not been given the right question paper, or if the question paper is incomplete or illegible.
Read carefully and follow the instructions printed on the question paper and on the answer sheet.
Fill in the details required on the front of your question paper and on your answer sheet before the start of the test.
Advice and assistance during the test
If you are in doubt about what you should do, raise your hand to attract attention. The invigilator will come to your assistance.
You may not ask for, and will not be given, any explanation of the questions.
If on the day of the test you feel that your work may be affected by ill health or any other reason, you must inform the invigilator at the time.
Leaving the test room
You may not leave the test room without the permission of the supervisor or invigilator.
You can not leave your seat until all papers have been collected and you have been told you can leave.
When you leave the examination room you must leave behind the question paper, your answer paper, any paper used for rough work clearly crossed through and any other materials provided for the test.
Do not make any noise near the examination room.
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